More than anything, I want you to be an informed shopper no matter if you're at Target, on Amazon, or purchasing somewhere else.
You have a right to know what you're putting in your body. The USA skincare industry is largely unregulated, banning only about 11 harmful chemicals from personal care products. The UK is leading the way with over 1300 harmful chemicals banned.

We change the world when we change ourselves,
then tell some friends, and then change our community...and it grows from there!


Bookmark this & check items before adding to your cart!

Don't want the hassle of reading labels, shop Lemongrass Spa.
Lemongrass Spa is committed to not using any ingredient which has a high rating by the EWG. Safer, healthier, & simple ingredients are what you will find inside the products.

Be in control of your health starting with your largest organ, skin!

Start making the swaps, enroll with Lemongrass Spa.
January exclusive below.  Click link to see other enrollment offerings.

Thank you for stopping by!

Grab a Freebie

Top 50

Anti Inflammatory Foods 

Recipe Book

Easy, healthy meals 

Be prepared

Travel packing list

Clean Swaps!!!

Age gracefully with regular exfoliation.

Treat yourself with an incredible eye creme.

Skin & Nail balm to carry everywhere for all the things.

Healing Elements is the best balm around.

Ultra hydrating body creme because you aren't getting any younger!


And everyone needs a mineral oil free Lip balm.

It was the first product I ever tried!


And two essential Hair Care items in a scalp oil and hair mask!


All while keeping skin hydrated during the dry winter months.  


Reduce your exposure to potentially toxic, cancer-causing chemicals when you make these swaps.  Link below locks in all the savings no codes needed.


Make A Difference

We need more people willing to spread the word on the importance of reducing our exposures to environmental toxins. We can't avoid them all so we should focus on what we can!


Impact + Income

We chance the world when we change ourselves, then tell some friends, and then change our community...and it grows from there!


Discover Lemongrass Spa

Over 21 years of providing fresh, clean, & natural!


Hear from the owner & founder, Heidi in this 2 minute clip.

Empowered Women, Empower Women

Making a difference by serving others is what fuels our community to strive for more. When you know you’ve given a helpful solution to those struggling with skin issues or you’ve provided a way for someone to earn an income or given a woman a spa treatment when she needed it most, we love being part of the solution!

Word on the street


"April is amazing and full of lots on information. Love the products that I have tried so far plus they are a lot healthier than what is at most box stores."

Tina C.


"April has been very helpful and patient with all my questions in helping me solve my face issues and helping me find the right color foundation. I absolutely LOVE IT!!"

Barbara K.


"Loving this all...Thank you so much.  My face never looked so good."

Marcia M.

 About Me


April Carnahan

I'm a tomboy who worked in insurance/accounting that was stuck in an unscented world because everything I would try with a scent gave me a headache or bad reaction with my skin. I had no clue about all the chemicals and what they were doing to me & my skin. I only knew there were a few I should be avoiding. 
Well I’m lazy & I wanted one company to order everything from. And I definitely wanted online shopping because I hate standing in a store staring aimlessly not knowing what I really need.
I jumped in without knowing a thing after only sampling 3 mini products.  As they say the rest is history! 

Let's Connect:

April Carnahan

Nebraska. All rights reserved.