Header code is below

✨This page doubles as a demo of how Sparkhub helps create pages like this, and a template for Sparkhub users! We also have some company-specific templates. If using as a template, you can delete these yellow explainer notes.✨

Text {shMyFirst} at {shMyPhone}

✨Sparkhub knows which guest is viewing this page - meaning we can refer to them by name right on the page! We can also include the event name (in this case, "{shEventName}") and more on the page thanks to Sparkhub Dynamic Fields.

Hey {shGuestFirst}!

Welcome to {shEventName}! We're thrilled to have you here.

(Not {shGuestFirst}? Click here and RSVP for your own special link!)

✨One thing you may notice are the beautiful fonts! Sparkhub lets you customize your Project Broadcast Landing Pages with 1500 font choices.✨

✨You can pop a headshot into this section. Your name and company will be added to the page automatically, using dynamic fields below! You get to give your page the wording and look you want, with Sparkhub magic automating your event-specific info for you.✨


I'm {shMyFirst} {shMyLast}, and I'll be your guide as we explore all that {shMyCompany} has to offer!

Let's spend a few minutes together as you scroll and explore. Text me any time with your questions and thoughts. I'm here to help!


✨The area below features your host, with NO work on your part. The host name is added automatically for each event, and their photo and note pull straight from their Host Portal! You can mention the Host, order link, event name, and more throughout the page, without editing anything or having to worry about changing all those little details from one event to the next.✨

Thanks so much, {shHostFirst}, for sharing your friends with me!

Host photo is below

{shHostFirst} says: {shHostWelcomeNote}

✨Sparkhub will automatically enroll your guests in your texting plan for your Event, but you can also prompt some conversation here on the page. Here's an example. This button fills with the guest and host name, and opens a text to you.✨

Key Info

✨The label and destination of the button below are both dynamic! Sparkhub can customize it with the Host name or Event name, and the destination is the order link you specify in Sparkub. No need to edit your page from one event to the next; let Sparkhub magic do that for you.✨

Mark your calendar! (Times are based on your browser's time zone.)


✨The dates below show up automatically and help your guests stay organized. This could mean fewer logistical questions for you and your Host, and less confusion for guests! You set "key dates" in Sparkhub for the Event, and our code displays them in each viewer's time zone, complete with calendar functionality. They also display in the Host Portal for their reference.✨

Key Dates code block is below

✨As you've seen, this "party page" covers the logistics like how to order and when to be where. But it can also cover some other content, so we can have some company and product features below. This might be a full-on presentation (a la Direct Sales On Demand), or it might just be a little taste to complement what you'll offer at a Zoom or in-person gathering, in a Facebook group, etc. In other words - no matter what style of event you're doing, the Party Page is a great info hub for guests.


You can of course use Sparkhub for events beyond direct sales "parties." Self-hosted events, team training events, promos, classes, challenges, opportunity calls, even newsletters...the list goes on.


In this template, which would be suitable for an On Demand event, we start with a high-level overview of what you offer.✨

What is {shMyCompany}?

blurb 1

blurb 2

blurb 3

blurb 4

✨Next come some more detailed features and stories!✨

Product Feature Template 1

[describe; follow with a video or images]

Shop this video! Just click a thumbnail below to view:

How it all began

[summary of what company stands for or how it began - and why that matters to the guest]

This...or That?

Title or description

Title or description

Which do you love? Text me to share, and click to shop!

Why {shMyCompany}?

[2-3 sentence "why" plus a video or photo]

Product Feature Template 2


Can't-miss Specials

Instructions for getting the specials.

✨We close with a final call-to-action, complete with the guest's name and dynamic links. Again, the shopping link goes to the order link you specify in Sparkhub, so that you can clone this page from one event to the next, letting Sparkhub do the editing for you. No need to worry if you forgot to change a detail on your page.✨

Okay {shGuestFirst}, your turn!

What's your next step?

There are 3 ways to make {shMyCompany} a part of your life - and there is a place for you here.


[why shop]

Just click below!


Invite friends to view a link like this - and earn!


Grow the movement, earn an income, and find a place of belonging with us!

✨Close out with another selfie, a thank-you, and ways to stay connected!✨

Thanks so much for being a part of {shEventName}!

Click below to join my VIP group on Facebook or follow my other channels. I'll see you there!
